Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sweet Soy Salmon and Spicy Collard Greens

I have been trying to eat healthy for a while now, and I keep recycling flavor combinations, but these ideas of mixing and matching creates endless opportunities for wonderful flavorful meals that don't leave you thinking you had it yesterday.  This night's dinner adds an Asian influence to a basic fish and greens dinner.

Some local farm fresh collard greens and some salmon probably imported from somewhere far away making the carbon footprint depressing high, yet delicious, are the major components for a Sunday night dinner or weeknight supper!

Shopping List:
  • Salmon - (I prefer the farm raised Salmon, sadly.. Ocean fresh salmon is too fishy for my palate.)
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 larger bunch of scallions
  • fresh cracked pepper
  • One large bunch of collard greens
  • 1 tblspn of butter
  • 1-2 tsps of red pepper flakes
  • Salt
  • Fresh basil (if you can get thai basil all the better)
Putting it Together:
  1. Mince the garlic and scallions.
  2. Take a quarter of the garlic and a third of the scallions and combine with the soy.
  3. Salt and pepper the Salmon then add the soy marinade on top making sure to keep the good stuff on top of the fish. Let this marinate for 30-45 minutes.
  4. In the meantime (start some rice if that's what you want as your starch, and..) prepare the collard greens, cut off the hard ends and take the time to slice out the thick ribs. It is an extra step that is well worth the effort.
  5. Chop the greens into a size you are willing to eat.
  6. When you are ready to heat up the grill (to medium) you are ready to start the collard greens (collard greens take longer than other greens you may be used to cooking with).
  7. Heat your skillet to medium/ medium-high (7.5), and add the butter, as it is melting add the garlic and onions. Stir it around so it is a little sizzly.
  8. After about 60-75 seconds add the red pepper flakes.
  9. As the mixture turns a more clear color add the collard greens, incorporate the flavors at the bottom and cover. You want to make sure you cover it so the natural moisture recirculates and cooks the greens.
  10. Turn the stove top down to medium.
  11. You will occassionally stir the greens as they cook.
  12. Meanwhile gently plop the salmon on the heated grill and cover it up. Watch the salmon carefully, it will probably take 15-18 minutes depending on how big your piece is. Start checking at 10 minutes (unless you have small filets).
  13. Hopefully everything is done at about the same time, top the fish with fresh basil, plate and chow down!

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