Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Grilled Balsamic Portabellas

We had a trip to my favorite store and found the best looking pack of portabellas, they were so perfect I couldn't resist. Four fresh, firm, and fierce mushrooms landed in my cart. Two days later I was ready to fire up the grill and mix some of the fresh farmer's market CSA veggies mix and mingling on the hot grates. Dave was making a new recipe for goat cheese beets (not today guys.. but it will post eventually) and the Keenie Kitchen was in action.

Now before we got to the kitchen I was thinking about how to get these portabellas to be juicy and sweet. I was reflecting on how sour I have found balsamic vinegar lately, maybe Costco failed me and it was just cheap, maybe it started to go bad, but regardless I wasn't satisfied. What about balsamic dressing? That is typically sweeter and a little more delicious. At the market I picked up a nice bottle of balsamic dressing and went home to prepare for my feast.

Now I can begin...

Shopping List:

  • 1 Portabella per person
  • Balsamic dressing (one you like, or one that looks irresistible)
  • 1 red pepper ( half a pepper per person)
  • Fresh Mozzarella
  • Either a buns or fresh Italian bread
  • Fresh basil
Putting it Together:
  1. Turn the portabellas with the cap side down, fill the belly with a healthy dose of dressing and let marinate for about 20 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile cut the pepper in half and squish flat with your hand. (cut up any other veggies for grilling)
  3. Fire up the grill to medium hot.
  4. Put the portabellas on with the cap side still down, and throw (or place) the red peppers on along side.
  5. Grill both the peppers and mushies on each side for 5 minutes, when you flip the portabellas it will fire up the flames as the dressing is lost (a little less time if your caps are smaller).
  6. In the last minute, toast the bread on the grill.
  7. Bring all those wonderful veggies off the grill.
  8. Peel the chard skin off the red peppers
  9. Begin the assembly! Layer the mushroom, your freshly roasted red pepper, mozzarella, and a sprinkle with a little fresh basil.

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