Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chili Mexican Lasagna Pie

What to do with leftovers? We are headed to Jamaica! WOO! We just had a Superbowl party with tons of chili, wings, veggies, and awesome dip from our favorite store. I don't want the food to go bad, I know the chili is one of the main things left in my fridge, chili and spinach.

I am slumped in my slightly reclined seat on the bus, luckily no one is sitting to my right and I can stretch out my legs and relax. As I was zoning out from my day I started thinking about dinner, dreaming if you will.. right before I passed out I thought about how much fun it would be to make a chili lasagna. I knew we had the noodles and the dressings of the chili (sour cream, cheese, jalapenos, scallions...) YuummmmZzzzZzzzz.

Water is boiling, about to drop in my noodles when I hear a little voice, "we should use the tortillas.."

Dave had a genius idea, it was a similar dish that Scott used to make when we lived in Amherst, so here we go: (measurements are not really applicable here....)

Shopping List/Leftovers List:
  • Leftover chili
  • 2-3 spoonfuls of sour cream
  • 1 minced jalapeno
  • 5 small chopped scallions
  • Mexican cheese
  • spinach
  • tortillas

Putting it together:
  1. Heat the oven to 350
  2. Put a little chili on the bottom of your pot/dish/cake pan
  3. Put down a tortilla
  4. Put a couple handfuls of cheese down and sprinkle the jalapeno on top (spicy!)
  5. Layer a tortilla
  6. Put down a nice thick layer of chili, (don't be shy)
  7. Layer a tortilla
  8. Put down a few spoonfuls of sour cream, spread it across the tortilla so it is nice and thick, but not overwhelming
  9. In the same layer, add a few handfuls of fresh baby spinach, or chopped spinach
  10. Layer another tortilla, your last tortilla!
  11. Finally, layer a few more handfuls of cheese and the scallions, a few turns of cracked pepper and shove that in the oven! (not too hard)
  12. Cook for about 15-20 minutes.. probably closer to 20.

- I think you can go in a million different ways. More spice, less spice, lots of cheese, a little bit. I didn't glob on the cheese, just enough to be gooey and yum in the tum
- I totally undercooked it, Dave put his in the microwave. I think maybe you could heat up the chili first, then cook it, or cook it longer.
- I also want to put corn in next time, I think that is what Scott used to do...

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