Monday, February 7, 2011

Buffalo Wing Sauce

The Super Bowl is a fun day to get together with friends and crowd around a TV with friends.. chowing down on chili, appetizers, wings, chips, and whatever other food deemed traditional for such an event.

I got very excited knowing that I had a fun day to cook these fun foods. Dave and I got up early and arrived at Costco as the doors opened. Disappointed free samples weren't abundant, we got down to business and bought a ten pound bag of frozen wings, other necessities, and headed home to start marinading the wings, slow cooking the chili, and begin our football day food prep!

Dave took over most of the cooking, we had our chili down cold from some great Sunday dinner chili nights. With my ringing headache, a result from skiing head first into the mountain the day before, I was happy Dave was chopping up all the ingredients with such intensity. My responsibilities were few, until it came to the second marinade for the wings. We used his classic teriyaki for one batch, the other was a crazy buffalo sauce that was cholula, beer, ketchup, and worchestire? WOAHHHH.. if it doesn't taste good in the bowl, start over!

I looked up a few recipes for Buffalo wing sauce online and ended up using what I had, and what sounded good to me. We only had 1 cup of cholula left, so Dave picked up some Frank's hot sauce which created a great flavor combination. This is how it went:

Shopping List:
  • Super Bowl XLV logo20 wings
  • 1 cup of cholula
  • 1 cup of Frank's
  • 2 sticks of butter
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic minced or pressed
  • 1 jalapeno with the seeds in, minced
Putting it together:
  1. Melt the butter and combine all the ingredients. Mix it around so the wings have a healthy coat of sauce.
  2. Let it marinade for at least an hour.
  3. Heat up the grill to a low/medium heat
  4. Once preheated add the wings and cook for 12 minutes on one side
  5. Flip, baste, cook for another 12 minutes
  6. Baste, flip, cook for 1 minute
  7. EAT!
- You can do a lot of spice adding or removing depending on your taste buds, this was spicy, but not too hot.
- If the wings are frozen you may add a few minutes to the cooking time.
- We let the wings marinate for 3.5- 4 hours.

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