Thursday, May 5, 2011

Eggplant Parm Refresh

So what do you do with eggplant parm leftovers? (or any leftovers for that matter...) Add some fresh wonderful and seasonal food and make over a left over! A Costco trip with a few fresh vegetables gave me a few options. I drew from the Mediterranean Chickpea Pasta (click me) recipe with charred tomatoes and turned it into an eggplant parm refresh.

Shopping List:
  • Cherry or grape tomatoes
  • Half a sweet bell pepper of your liking, chopped
  • 1-2 tsp of Freshly Dried Parsley (click me too)
  • A serrano pepper optional
  • about 6 baby bellas quartered
  • Two or three handfuls of fresh baby spinach
  • garlic powder
  • cayenne pepper
  • S&P
  • Left overs chopped up
Putting it Together:
  1. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add tomatoes and a nice sprinkle of salt and pepper. Occasionally turning in the pan, cook for about 4 minutes.
  2. Add the sweet bell peppers and parsley.
  3. As the sweet bell peppers brighten and soften up add garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and mushrooms.
  4. Stirring occasionally for about another 4 minutes
  5. Add the eggplant and spinach so it heats through. ( A good trick is to turn the heat on low and put the cover on to make sure the eggplant heats through ). Maybe 4 more minutes.
  6. Bon Appetite!! (.. yum.. goey cheese and delicious fresh wonderfulness)

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