Friday, November 12, 2010

Coffee and Creameries

What is a medialuna? Is it a cookie? hmmm... well. It is half, half moon? half a cookie?

I need more than cookies, lets get the special (cafe con leche, dos medialunas, y juego) and split a sandwich. We already learned our lesson in over ordering at the steakhouse after all...

To our liking we ALMOST over ordered, dos medialunes are two croissants. As it turns out the little language guide let us know that a little too late. These croissants are light and flakey, they have a slightly sticky honey glaze that makes the pastry melt in your mouth. Accompanied by a cafe con leche, these delightful treats highlight the fresh, fragrant coffee. I noticed that this was the first cafe con leche.. well the only out of our three so far that didn't need sweetening up.

After a very long day of walking around Buenos Aires and soaking up the sites.. monuments, tropical foliage, and dog pooooop (ALL OVER! but not to ruin the picture..) we trekked across town for helado. We ran into our first taste of English-less-ness. The cashier was in our opinion mean, but he was the object between us and some of the most delicious ice cream I've ever had. Dave had the Swiss Chocolate and White Chocolate. I had Vanilla ( i butchered the pronunciation followed by a "lo siento") and Swiss Chocolate. I can see why our travel book told us to never be without helado in hand. The most creamy, rich, and pure flavors you can imagine. Swiss chocolate had a soft melted caramel swirled throughout with tiny fresh chocolate flakes perfecting the chocolate's bold flavor. Vanilla, perfect. Chocolate blanco.. similarly to die for. (Dave insists there will be more of this to come, but maybe with a twist of mani (peanut butter)).

After cafe con leches done right, helado that was heaven, Dave and I still don't know where the amazing steak is... I hope we can tell you soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful adventure! You are able to give even a travel averse couch potatoe such as myself wanderlust!!!!! Maybe this trip will create a desire for you to become bi lingual, LJ, and a new career will open up for you...Enjoying Argentina vicariously thru your blog!!Thanks!! Can't wait to go shopping!! hahah Love you xxooo
