Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Potato - 2 Ways

Mashed Potatoes have been one of my favorite sides since I can remember. Potatoes are versatile, substantive, and delicious.

For the first part of my life I had whipped mashed potatoes. My mom had to have her potatoes completely whipped. When I inquired why the process was so involved she responded by saying eating a little lump of hard potato in a mashed potato made her feel like gagging.. it went something like: "oh I remember getting a few lumps when I was little (*gag*), it is so awful! So, I always said I would never have those lumps in mine." Those creamy candy-like whipped mashed potatoes take the labor of love to whip to perfection and are always WELL worth the effort.

Since leaving home and tasting new types of mashed potatoes, in part due to not being equipped with beaters, I have a low dairy method of mashing potatoes with a hand smasher. These potatoes are lumpy and hearty potatoes. They can stand alone well, but are best topped with  a little gravy ( Gravy in a Bind works well).

I agree with you when you say, where is the sour cream? the cream cheese? But this time I am taking a slightly healthier approach to the meal, the amount of butter used is fat enough!

Shopping List:
  •  Potatoes
  • Whipped Salted Butter 
  • S&P
  • Mama's Whipped: Skim or 1% Milk
  • Smashed Lumpies: Garlic

Mama's Whipped Potatoes:
  1. Bring a big pot of salted water to a boil
  2. Peel and dice 4 potatoes
  3. Cook until tender - depending on your potatoes it can be 15-20 minutes
  4. Strain completely return to pot
  5. Heat about 1.5 cups of skim or 1% milk ( you might not use all of it )
  6. Mix half a cup of hot milk, 2 tablespoons of salted whipped butter, and a few pinches of salt
  7. Mix with a hand mixer
  8. Slowly add more hot milk and butter as the potatoes start to whip up.
  9. Taste test every step of the way. There is no exact formula because all potatoes are a little different in size, freshness, and flavor.
  10. Your hand will start to tire, and you won't hear anyone talking to you without a small shout, make sure to use a spatula to clean off the sides of the pot and get additional lumps.
TASTE TIPS: Milk helps get rid of the lumps but make it more sour, butter will sweeten it up, think about the amount of salt, and be careful, but salt can sometimes be the missing ingredient when it is not quite right and you don't know why.

NOTE: YAMS work really really really well this recipe!!!

Smashed Lumpy Potatoes:
  1. Bring a big pot of salted water to a boil
  2. Peel and dice 4 potatoes
  3. Cook until tender - depending on your potatoes it can be 15-20 minutes
  4. Toast three cloves of minced or pressed garlic in 1 tablespoon of whipped salted butter take off right before it browns
  5. Strain the potatoes and reserve about 1 cup of the cooking liquid
  6. Add potatoes back to the pot with 2/3 of cup of the reserved cooking liquid and 2-3 tablespoons of whipped salted butter
  7. Add about three pinches of salt and a nice healthy dose of cracked pepper (the cracked pepper adds a little heartiness to these rustic potatoes.
  8. Add the toasted garlic
  9. SMASH! It takes a nice arm work out to smash these babies up!
  10. Make adjustments as necessary. (extra water if too dry, butter, salt, pepper.. )

1 comment:

  1. OMG Your Stuffed Eggplant sounds wonderful...your blog is inspiring and fun!! It may even renew my lost desire to whip up some dinner instead of eating out!!
