Monday, December 20, 2010

Gravy In a Bind ... Modified for a New Meal

Sunday nights are always the best time to have a delicious meal to relax and forget about the week ahead. It has always been a tradition for me. Sharing this with friends is always a special treat. I got a call from Bonie asking what in the world we would make, she had a variety of proteins that we could use. I was feeling lost and not creative. Sometimes it takes a while for the culinary part of my brain to take flight.

When Bonie said there was flank steak I knew we were on the right track. It was a flank steak that had marinated in a Cholula and Worcestershire sauce. The steak was delicious, it was tender, sweet, and the marinade was an inspiring combination.

A butternut squash was roasted .. Broccoli was baked... and gravy was made!

I really wanted to revisit the Gravy in a Bind recipe to share how it can be modified in a variety of ways based on what you have and what you are trying to do. A quick little gravy is great but there are different foods and varying number of crowds.

Shopping List:
  • 2 to 3 stalks of celery
  • Half and onion
  • 1 small box of mushrooms
  • 2 cloves of garlic- minced
  • Thyme
  • Cracked Pepper
  • A little Au Jus
  • 1 tablespoon of corn starch

Putting it Together:
  1. Dice the onions and celery, slice the mushrooms, mince the garlic
  2. Melt a tablespoon of butter, then add the onion and celery until translucent
  3. Once the onion and celery are translucent add the mushrooms, garlic and a few sprigs of thyme, cracked pepper.
  4. Once the mushrooms soften sprinkle the vegetables with about a tablespoon of Au Jus.
  5. Add 2 cups of water and mix with a wooden spoon (or any spoon).
  6. Let simmer for 20 minutes
  7. Tasting is crucial, i added a little more Au Jus, and a more cracked pepper to taste. I did this very slowly. It is important to let the new flavors combine before going crazy adding new flavors.
  8. Add a tablespoon of corn starch to half a cup of water until it is completely combined, then whisk into the gravy. Simmer until it is combined and bubbly.
- Tasting along the way is a yummy and sure way to know that the food will turn out. The above ingredients will combine into a delicious meal, but the great taste is in the palate of the chef- don't hesitate to modify as you see fit.
- We smothered the butternut squash with gravy, the gravy ended up marrying all the flavors together
- Cooking on a Sunday is the best, and this was especially delicious! Friends and great food always come together, it is the great energy of the group that makes a meal. The marinade on the steak and simply cooked squash were two additions I usually don't combine myself, made for a wonderful meal, and will be new additions to the Keenie Kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. The flavors held up well with the hoppiness of the wild mountain IPA that accompanied it.
