Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tuna Salad

Tuna Salad can be the most refreshing weekend lunch. An open faced toast sandwich with melted munester cheese is the BEST way to consume. Depending on your taste buds you can eat it with whatever cheese you choose- but you are missing out if you don't use munester!
TUNA! Salad.
The Shopping List:
-          1 to 2 stalks of celery depending on size
-          Celery seed
-          Garlic powder
-          Pepper
-          Parsley (fresh is best, dried is fine)
-          Onion (just need a little)
-          Bunch of scallions
-          Can of tuna
-          Mayo
Putting it Together:
1.       Chop celery into very very very small pieces, this is an eyeball thing. I cannot have too much raw celery so I go very light on them and compensate with some of the green part of the scallion ( you can also add carrot, I add this for my brother and mom sometimes but then I can’t eat it at all)
2.       Thinly slice scallions until you get to the soft part, you can add the top part as a little bit of a garnish and I do sometimes depending on how I feel.
3.       In a medium bowl add tuna and break up with a fork. Add celery and scallions so it looks right. You can kind of gather it up with your fingers to get a feel for it
4.       Take the engineer out and put the Jenna brain on for the following:
a.       Add 3 pinches of celery seed sprinkling over all of everything so you can see the seeds but not so it is black with seeds. The point is you are compensating for being allergic to raw celery
b.      Add 2 dashes of garlic powder- if you add too much it is all you will taste so even though you love garlic don’t be too liberal
c.       Add pepper the similarly to the celery seed, shake pepper over so you can see it but not so it is gross
d.      Parsley, same thing but a little more than you would normally because I have the feeling you will under-do it.
5.       Add a scoop or two of mayo to the bowl, mix it around, let it sit a minute, taste it, what is it missing? If it needs a kick, grate onion in.
6.       I usually add a tad bit more celery seed and pepper at the end. But think about it.
-          Penzy’s shallot pepper is a mind blowing addition


  1. This is the tastiest tuna salad ever. I've been lucky to have this on multiple occasions and it never fails to satisfy. I encourage everyone to find their inner Jenna and try this recipe out for an easy weekend lunch.

  2. Make sure you don't use Chunk Lite!
