Thursday, December 16, 2010

Matzo Ball Soup

A little late being that Hanukkah passed... but I was way over due for some delicious, homemade, matzo ball soup.

Hanukkah came very early and work has me once again running like a chicken with my head cut off. I am finding a theme in cooking the most homiest of foods when I am in this situation.

I first made this when I first started dating Dave (2 years ago!). I called my mom for some Matzo-advice, she gave me a recipe that Shelly had made for her. It was fantastic! With a small modification from broth to bouillon- this is how it goes:

Shopping List:

A whole bunch of chicken thighs, or a whole cut up chicken (beware of bones!)
5 carrots
5 sticks of celery
1 very large onion
2 tablespoons of parsley
Bouillon - 1-2 cubes or 2 tablespoons of the powder
Cracked pepper
1 pack of Matzo ball mix (Manischewitz is best)
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
a dash of garlic powder, dash of cracked pepper, dash of parsley

Putting it together:

  1. Fill a big pot with water
  2. Add peeled carrots cut in very large pieces, celery cut in large pieces, onion cut in large pieces, and chicken
  3. As you begin to bring it to a boil add bouillon, parsley, and cracked pepper
  4. Cook from 2 to 6 hours
Matzo Balls:
  1. Follow the directions.. mix everything and add my dashes of spices
  2. Refrigerate for 15 minutes, make the balls.
  3. Put balls in a pot of boiling water for 10 minutes
  4. Finish cooking the matzo balls for 10 minutes in the soup.


- Be careful you get the bones- if you cook it for more than 3 hours the chicken will fall off the bone and you might lose some bones in the soup.
- Shelly had used broth instead of water and bouillon, it was a little light on flavor for me, but it was equally as delicious.

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