Sunday, April 17, 2011

Creamed Spinach

I saved spinach a while back, I promised one day I would share my creamed spinach with you. Last night was the night to whip up the delicious side dish. I channeled my mama's amazing technique and knack for whipping up creamy delish veggies.

Here it is..

Remember Me? (link)
Shopping List:
  • Your homemade frozen chopped spinach or 1 package
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sweet whipped butter
  • Half an onion chopped finely
  • 4-5 tablespoons of Wondra, or a light flour
  • Salt to taste

Putting it Together:
  1. In a pan heat up/ cook your frozen chopped spinach. Once cooked let it sit in the hot pot, Reserve water.
  2. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a skillet on a medium LOW heat. The butter must not turn brown at all.
  3. Add the onion at this same medium LOW meat so they turn clear.
  4. Once the onions turn clear add a layer of Wondra, I sprinkle it over the top, whisk it in, and continue with this pattern.
  5. The onions will start to get a little gloppy as they are covered with a good dose of wondra and butter.
  6. Ladle in some of your spinach with a slotted spoon. Add a little spinach water and whisk so the flour doesn't clump.
  7. Keep adding spinach and if too thick, a little water, whisking the entire time.
  8. When it looks like the picture below, ready! eat!

Notes: When you make the frozen chopped spinach, make sure that you squeeze out ALL the water or else your creamed spinach will be a little too watery.

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